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Thanks for following my blog! It will be updated every Tuesday, I hope you enjoy what you see and please comment! I also love constructive critisicm so if there is something you would like to see, let me know!
happy blogging!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So So So SO SORRY! it has been too long since I've written on here. I know I said every tuesday. But life has been so busy! I am training for the WorldSkills event in London. I leave on Sept. 29th, so these past 2 weeks have been "crunch time!"
It really has been so good. for the past month I have been waking up early (6:30), eating healthier, and feeling tons better! I realized you can't expect your body to automatically adjust to waking up 4 hours earlier than you normally do. So this past month I've been training it to wake up earlier.
If you take care of your body, it will take care of you! I am such a firm believer! I have had so much energy and feeling ten times better about myself. and So much happier!

So back to competition. I am really stressing out! I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders! But things have been going really good! I've been finishing all of my mannequins in the time limit (I have 8 different tests, all on raw mannequins), and that includes, cut color, styling, and finishing.

But here I am a little girl from Utah, thinking wow! I have so much to do with just styling the hair. Now you get to add on, cutting it there too, and not to mention coloring it. And if your lines of color are just barely off. well forget it! you just lost the competition! well that's not all. Notice how I said "finishing" well yes that does including putting clothing on your mannequin and doing make up.

I'm a stylist! not a wardrobe professional! or even a make up artist! I luckily have had such an amazing make up artist help me out with the make up. her name is Jill Tracy Chambers. GOOGLE her! she has a website! and her make up is flawless! she is so great at what she does and she has taught me tons! a comb used to be my weapon of choice, buuuut... I'm starting to have lots of fun with the painting and powder side of things!

So that's what I have been up to! I leave the 29th! and I'll make sure I post pictures of all 8 mannequins before then!

blog on!

1 comment:

  1. Laina, you've got this!!! You're AMAZING!!!! :) I'm so proud of you for working so hard! It's not easy but you've got this in the bag! Can't wait to see pictures - you're so so so talented! Jill looks amazing! I was thinking of you this morning when I had to cut my bangs myself and I was thinking...I really wish I could have Laina give me a haircut!! haha You will be amazing and hey, you should stop over and visit me in India while you're out and about ;) Love ya! You're amazing!!! The next few weeks will literally flyyyy by! And then your life can be complete :) xoxo, Liz
